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Moving Past The Sun

14 MAY - 16 JUN. 2020

Weasel Gallery, Hamilton, NZ

Collingwood + Daisies + Hilma.jpg




Having previously exhibited with the Gallery in 2018, Tyler-Dunshea is no stranger to the space. Past exhibitions have seen Tyler-Dunshea focus on the identification and depiction of found species within the artists given purlieu and within the historical context of botanical documentation. Foraging, identification and pressing/storing a variety of species became integral precursory processes within Tyler-Dunshea's practice. MOVING PAST THE SUN sees an increasing social and environmental underpinning whilst evidence of process still remains including linear tape marks as a spatial device. 
MOVING PAST THE SUN considers the diminishing venerative relationship between people and the sun. Tyler-Dunshea explains "These plant specimens once reached towards the warmth of the sun. Noticing, pressing, then painting them, serves as a meditation on the tensile relationship between the energy on one sphere and the life forms on the other."
MOVING PAST THE SUN sees a new suite of work by the artist, with confident scale and marked mastery of her medium, watercolour paint.



Images by Mark Hamilton, courtesy of Weasel Gallery.

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